Workshops for children and families

Descubre talleres infantiles y visitas teatralizadas en el Palacio de Las Dueñas para explorar el flamenco y la poesía de Antonio Machado.

Flamenco storytelling:

Some Sundays of the month, Engranages Culturales organizes a workshop for the little ones at the Palacio de Las Dueñas.

A flamingo bird will tell all the attendees how it has traveled around the world to come to the Seville Biennial, where it has discovered a very special art: flamenco.

The little ones will enter, with laughter and games, into the world of this music and will learn in a dynamic and very participatory way questions such as What is flamenco? How and when does it arise? What are the sticks of Flamenco The children themselves will help our Flamenco bird to become a true flamenco artist, ending with an end to the party where a clapping and compass workshop will take place.

Sundays at 12 p.m. See availability.

Machado in Las Dueñas

The Palace of the Dueñas and Engranages Culturales, on the occasion of the birth of one of the most important poets in Spanish literature, born in Dueñas, have designed a theatrical visit to discover the great poet Antonio Machado.

Set in the 1920s through two characters: Antonio Machado and Josefina Brühl, a young foreign journalist fascinated by the history of the Casa de las Dueñas. The Young Journalist will accompany the attendees to discover the palace, playing fun games and participatory dynamics where they will discover all the secrets, anecdotes and stories of the house. Antonio Machado will walk through the gardens of the house, accompany them to the Patio del Limonero, and there he will tell them his life story, reading some of his poems and will hold a participatory poetry workshop on the theme of nature and gardens. The poems will be hung on the lemon trees in the courtyard so that they can be read by all visitors.

The ticket price is 13 eur from the age of 2. Children under 2 years old enter free of charge and must be accompanied by an adult who pays their ticket.